Samstag, 27. April 2013

Dewey's 24 h Read-A-Thon

 photo readathon-button-from-book-addict_zps6de8ccbd.jpg

All right, let's do this.
Officially it isn't starting until 2 p.m.but I decided to start earlier since I already have trouble staying awake for more than 12 hours.
I'm going to update this post every few hours or everytime I feel like it.

7 a.m. - 24 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 0%/71%
Cups of coffee: 0
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: nothing yet
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Shake Ya Ass (to wake up)

9 a.m. - 22 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 4%/67%
Cups of coffee: 1
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: nothing yet
Times I've complained about the book: 1
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Piano Man (instrumental)

This book is so loooong. As soon as I reach 40% I'm going to switch to another one, I think. I'm also annoyed by Ygritte and Sansa which doesn't improve the reading experience.

11 a.m. - 20 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 8%/63%
Cups of coffee: 1
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 1
Food of the hour: Toast with Nutella
Times I've complained about the book: 5
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Forgot to press "play" in Spotify...

I have a headache and I hate Ygritte. These may be related. I may have to take some pain killers because it's getting worse and I can't read when I have a headache. AND READING IS THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF TODAY! So there...
At least my reading place is comfy and so are my reading clothes.

1 p.m. - 18 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 11%/60%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 3
Food of the hour: pancakes with tomato... stuff

Times I've complained about the book: 7
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Don't Go

Finally reached 40%! I'm now going to pause that and start Huntress by Malinda Lo instead.
I'm also really excited that the read-a-thon is going to start officially soon.

Introductory Questionnaire

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
- Hanover, Germany
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
- Future of Us by Jay Asher maybe?
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
- These babies.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
- I'm 25, I own as many nail polishes as I own Threadless shirts: 93 and I want to jump into A Storm of Swords and strangle Ygritte everytime she says "You know nothing, Jon Snow". SHE SAYS THAT FOUR TIMES A PAGE!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
- It's my seventh-ish read-a-thon and I started a lot earlier than the last times. It starts officially at 2 p.m. here but as I mentioned earlier: I'm old! I can't stay awake for seven hours plus 24 hours!

3 p.m. - 16 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 7%/93%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 3
Food of the hour: Nothing. I ate too many pancakes. BUT THEY WERE SO DELICIOUS!
Times I've complained about the book:  
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Panic Station

What is happening? Why is time flying by so fast? What is this sorcery? This is not a complaint I'm just really surprised.
Switching from coffee to water and grape juice for the time being. I've already started having the caffein shakes (Yes, after only two cups of coffee. My body is a douchebag).

5 p.m. - 14 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 21%/79%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 4
Food of the hour: Still too full to even think about food.
Times I've complained about the book:  0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Get back up

It's ridiculous how fast time goes by today! I should always start read-a-thons this early!
Also: book related shirt. So appropriate!

Re-Title Your Current Read

The book: A Storm of Swords
The better title: Long-ass book in which everyone you actually like dies III

7 p.m. - 12 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 25%/75%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 4
Food of the hour: Another pancake.
Times I've complained about the book:  0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour:

Well... that was disappointing. I took a little timeout but now I'm back in the saddle. I want to finish at least one book today!

Selfie challenge

9 p.m. - 10 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 30%/70%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 4
Food of the hour: Nothing
Times I've complained about the book:  0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Forgot to press play again...

I... I don't know. I got distracted by Twitter and my read-along-babes and a real life murder mystery without the murder. I'll try to be better, I promise.

11 p.m. - 8 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 45%/55%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 7
Food of the hour: Waffles

Times I've complained about the book:  0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Spotify hates me. And I hate it back!

Don't know how long I'll be able to read because I get easliy distracted once I start getting tired. And it's late, for me at least.


I'm going to take a nap and will continue reading as soon as I'm awake again.

8 a.m. - 6 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 71%/29%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 7
Food of the hour: The last waffle from last night
Times I've complained about the book:  0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Ain't so bad

I slept seven hours, from midnight to 7 a.m. which are the seven hours I started the read-a-thon early yesterday. I can therefore still do the whole 24h. I know it's cheating but... There's no "but".

10 a.m. - 4 hours to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: Finished!
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 7
Food of the hour: Pancake with Nutella
Times I've complained about the book:  2
Times I've complained about being tired: 0

FINALLY! Finished this unbelievably boring book! Don't know which one I'll read next.

1 p.m. - 1 hour to go
Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 14%/86%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 7
Food of the hour: Nothing.
Times I've complained about the book:  0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: I HATE YOU SPOTIFY!

One hour to go! Let's see how far I'll get with this one.

Freitag, 26. April 2013

Pre-Readathon Post

It's that time of the year again: Dewey's Read-A-Thon is around the corner. And by that I mean tomorrow. It's tomorrow.
I'm really looking forward to it because this time quite a few people I actually know are participating with me. What about you? Are any of you guys reading, too?

I just prepared my pile of books for tomorrow (while watching Project Runway because it was so boring). Pretty sure I will find ALL the excuses not to continue reading Life of Pi.

These are the ones on the Kindle (if you want to know): 1, 2, 3 and A Storm of Swords is the third part in the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin.

Samstag, 20. April 2013

6. Lange Lesenacht - Meine erste allerdings

Ja, ich lebe noch. Hi, wie geht's?

Ich habe gerade erfahren, dass heute eine Lesenacht stattfindet und werde einfach mal mitmachen, um mich auf den Readathon nächste Woche vorzubereiten.

21:00 Uhr:
   photo asoiaf3_zps3b8f4224.png

Ich gehe davon aus, dass ich vielleicht zwei Prozent schaffe. Das zieht sich so dermaßen und außerdem schlafe ich sicher schnell ein. Ich bin alt, ich kann nicht mehr lange aufbleiben.
1. Aufgabe:
Zuerst möchten wir natürlich alle wissen, welche Bücher heute Nacht gelesen werden. Also, erzähl mal, welches Buch begleitet dich durch die Nacht? Auf welcher Seite bist du? Wie bist du auf dieses Buch gekommen?
Den ersten Teil kann ich mit "siehe Bild" beantworten.
Drauf gekommen bin ich, durch die Serie. Ich habe daaaamals Staffel 1 gucken wollen und bevor ich Sachen gucke, will ich die Bücher gelesen haben. Also habe ich das erste Buch gelesen und die erste Hälfte vom zweiten. Danach habe ich bis vor drei Wochen das Interesse an Büchern und Serie verloren. Vor drei Wochen war Pretty Little Liars zuende (die Serie), welche ich jede Woche via Skype mit meiner Maike geguckt habe. Wir brauchten also etwas Neues und ich habe vorgeschlagen, dass wir versuchen könnten, uns gemeinsam durch Game of Thrones zu kämpfen (sie hat sich auch zu Tode gelangweilt). Der Plan war jede Woche zwei Folgen zu gucken, dann wären wir zur nächsten Staffel PLL beschäftigt. Die erste Woche lief wie geplant und wir haben uns gelangweilt. In der zweiten Woche haben wir dann sieben Folgen an einem Tag zusammen geguckt und sind nun süchtig! Ich muss jetzt sofort wissen wie es weitergeht, darum lese ich die Reihe weiter. /roman

22:00 Uhr:
Oho, ich habe mein Ziel (2%) schon erreicht, jetzt kann ich also komplett ohne Druck weiterlesen und mich darüber aufregen, dass alle 74569356 Nebencharaktere Namen haben, die ich mir nicht merken kann.
2. Aufgabe:
Du hattest jetzt die Möglichkeit, die Charaktere deines Buches ein bisschen kennenzulernen. Da die Protagonisten immer im Mittelpunkt stehen, würde ich gern mehr über einen Nebencharakter erfahren. Wer fällt dir spontan ein? Welche Rolle hat er in deinem Buch? Warum gefällt er dir (nicht)?
 Varys, ist die Tratschtante, weiß alles über jeden und nutzt das zu seinem Vorteil aus. Außerdem ist er sassy as fuck. Ich glaub außerdem, dass Littlefinger und er sich nachts gegenseitig die Haare flechten und über Jungs reden.

23:00 Uhr:
Ich habe das Doppelte von dem gelesen, was mein Ziel war und bin dann eingeschlafen. Hätte ich gewusst, dass Lesenacht ist, hätte ich mich besser vorbereitet. Der Readathon läuft ja wohl hoffentlich besser.