3 p.m.
Never again. I'm horrible at this! It's amazing what things to occupy myself with I find just to avoid reading. That's not what a READ-a-thon is about!
12 a.m.
LEAVE ME ALONE! My sister to whom I seldomly speak wrote me a text and we've been talking and I COULDNT READ! And now I'm going for my daily walk. Also my Kindle ran out of battery so THERE.
10 a.m.
I get distracted. There's Tumblr and Twitter and David Mitchell is hosting a new panel show... I have four hours left. I'd like to at least get to 50%. The fact that I don't particularly care for Goblet of Fire is working against me, though.
Percentage read/to go: 29%/71%
Books read: 2
Cups of coffee/tea: 5
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 4
Food of the hour: Muesli
Times I've complained about the book: 1
Times I've complained about being tired: 1
8 a.m.
Was awake at 6 (AS I HAD PLANNED), only managed to get out of bed at 7:30. I'm really bad at getting up when it's dark outside.
My water kettle is broken so I have to heat up water on the stove. It stinks (not the water, the process)! But now I finally have my tea and can continue reading.
Percentage read/to go: 26%/74%
Books read: 2
Cups of coffee/tea: 4
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: Nothing.
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 1
Song of the hour: First time in two weeks I didn't wake up with a song stuck in my head and it's glorious!
9 p.m.
Finished the second book! Now back to Harry Potter. GoF it is.
I'll probably go to bed soon and keep reading there which means that I won't be at the computer to update until tomorrow morning.
Percentage read/to go: 0%/100%
Books read: 2
Cups of coffee/tea: 4
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 1
SongSound of the hour: The stomping of the demonchild upstairs.
7 p.m.
Still feeling a bit weird. Also got distracted by the Graham Norton Show, so got basically no reading done.
5 p.m.
Project Runway while reading. I'm also feeling kind of woozy which is not good!
Percentage read/to go: 40%/60%
Books read: 1
Cups of coffee/tea: 3
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: Nothing.
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 1
Song of the hour: Nothing because PR
3 p.m.
I'm alredy tired. What is this?! At least I'm warm and I have coffee. And my blanket and my hot-water bottle.
Now that the read-a-thon has officially started, I'm not reading my book anymore, I'm just in the hashtag, watching. I do this every time! This is why I'm so shit at readathoning!
Percentage read/to go: 13%/87%
Books read: 1
Cups of coffee/tea: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: Nothing.
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 1
Song of the hour: Forgot to press play in Spotify
2 p.m.
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
- Hannover/Germanland ;)
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
- Since I'm rereading the HarryPotter books: all of them
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
- I'm Julia, I'm 26 and this is my... like, 8th readathon? I'm not getting better, I'm getting worse. So don't ask me for advice, I'm shit at readathoning.
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
- I moved! Physically! Into the mysterious out-of-side. The past times I just sat at home eating unhealthy stuff and reading. Maybe fresh air will help me stay awake a little longer. Because I fall asleep sooner and sooner with every readathon...
1 p.m.
Went for a walk and it's kind of wet outside.
Should probably think about turning the heater on so I won't get sick. But I'm too cheap for that. It's not even snowing yet! *wraps herself in five blankets*
Done with the first book and in one hour I won't be alone anymore because the read-a-thon will officially kick off.
Percentage read/to go: 0%/100%
Books read: 1
Cups of coffee/tea: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: Potatoes
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
11 a.m.
Still very lonely here. FROWNY FACE! And I somehow managed to only read 5% in PoA and I don't know why.
Well, at least I figured out how to knit and read at the same time. Knitting a Ravenclaw scarf while reading Harry Potter and listening to A Very Potter Musical. I'm so cool!
I just realized it could also be a TARDIS scarf as well...
Percentage read/to go: 25%/15%
Books read: 0
Cups of coffee/tea: 1
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
9 a.m.
It's very lonely to start the read-a-thon on my own. Why does my stupid body need sleep and isn't able to stay awake for 31 hours straight? Thank you, Obama...
Percentage read/to go: 20%/20%
Books read: 0
Cups of coffee/tea: 1
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: Nothing yet
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
7 a.m.
Let's begin. Or at least I will since 2 p.m. until 2 p.m. isn't going to work for me.
I'm continuing from 60%.
Percentage read/to go: 0%/40%
Books read: 0
Cups of coffee/tea: 0
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: Nothing yet
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Stonehenge by Ylvis