Samstag, 13. Oktober 2012

Big Fat Read-A-Thon Post of the Year 2012

All right, let's do this.
Officially it isn't starting until 2 p.m.but I decided to start earlier since I already have trouble staying awake for more than 12 hours. So 30 hours are out of the question.
I'm going to update this post every few hours or everytime I feel like it.

2 a.m. - 8 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 32%/56%
Cups of coffee: 4
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 17
Food of the hour: Chips again
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 2

I don't think I can stay awake for much longer. So this is the end for me. Sad but true.

9 p.m. - BREAK
I have to watch Devour with a friend via Skype. PRIORITIES!

8 p.m. - 14 hours to go

Book of the hour:
Starting at 12%

Percentage read/to go: 24%/64%
Cups of coffee: 4
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 17
Food of the hour: Chips again
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 2

There's a slight problem with the book. You see, when the main evil thingies, the Grievers, were described I did the dishes and wasn't listening properly. I just heard they're about the size of a cow and I heard something about spikes and insects and now they don't look that menacing in my head. I'm always very confused because the kids are really scared of them. Let me show you what I mean.
On the left is the picture of what they're supposed to look like and on the right is how the Grievers look in my head.
Yes, I know, I have some mad drawing skills like I told you in the Introductory Questionnaire earlier.

6 p.m. - 16 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 26%/44% (Sorry, I thought I had detected plot but that was a mistake.)
Cups of coffee: 4
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 16
Food of the hour: Nothing
Times I've complained about the book: 8
Times I've complained about being tired: 2

I'm going to switch books. This one is sucking all the joy out of reading, so I think I'm continuing Maze Runner by James Dashner.

5 p.m. - 17 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 26%/47%
Cups of coffee: 3
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 13
Food of the hour: Christmas candy
Times I've complained about the book: 7
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: To Be A Man

4 p.m. - 18 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 22%/51% (Oh! A wild plot appears!)
Cups of coffee: 3
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 11
Food of the hour: Canneloni (that were disgusting)
Times I've complained about the book: 6
Times I've complained about being tired: 0

I WON! Did you see it? Did you see the post? Wooooo!

3 p.m. - 19 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 18%/55% (I HATE EVERYONE!)
Cups of coffee: 3
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 10
Food of the hour: Nothing
Times I've complained about the book: 5
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Rogues Medley (Try not looking at Joe Walker's shorts. Really, try :P)

2 p.m. - 20 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 13%/60% (GOOD LORD OF THE RINGS, IT'S SO BORING!)
Cups of coffee: 3
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 9
Food of the hour: Chips...
Times I've complained about the book: 3
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: What You Feel
War injury:

Now the Read-A-Thon is officially starting. Good luck and have fun to everyone!

Introductory Questionnaire 
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Germany
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Maze Runner by James Dashner
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? Vanilla ice cream with maple syrup
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! Julia, 25, seriously obsessed with Dylan Saunders' voice at the moment, really disappointed in Queen Rowling at the moment, can't draw, can knit
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? I started earlier to at least have a tiny chance to stay awake until the end.

1 p.m. - 21 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 13%/60% (I'm never going to make it at this pace!)
Cups of coffee: 3
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 7
Food of the hour: Cheesecake
Times I've complained about the book: 1
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Ear porn, no seriously! Dylaaan!

12 a.m. - 22 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 10%/64%
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 6
Food of the hour: nothing yet
Times I've complained about the book: 1
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Heaven Is A Halfpipe
How I feel about the book: Got my "I'm not happy with this"-face on

11 a.m. - 23 hours to go

Book of the hour:

Percentage read/to go: 4%/69% (it's going really slowly...)
Cups of coffee: 2
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 3
Food of the hour: nothing yet
Times I've complained about the book: 1
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Little Talks

10 a.m. - 24 hours to go

Book of the hour:
Starting at 27%
Percentage read/to go: 0%/73%
Cups of coffee: 1
Times visited Tumblr due to concentration difficulties: 0
Food of the hour: nothing yet
Times I've complained about the book: 0
Times I've complained about being tired: 0
Song of the hour: Harry Freakin' Potter (Dylaaaan)

15 Kommentare:

  1. Käsekuchen? Orrrr~

    Und du bist schon so lange dabei, ich fange gleich erst an. :D

    1. Ich hab vier Stunden früher angefangen, weil ich niemals bis morgen um 14 Uhr schaffe wach zu bleiben xD Aber cool, dass du auch mitmachst! Wir müssen uns gegenseitig motivieren!

    2. Oh nein, wie hast du dir denn die Verletzung zugezogen? :O

    3. Das wüsste ich auch gern. Sie war plötzlich da und hat gebrannt wie Sau. Sieht aus wie bei parallele Papercuts, wie ich das mit dem Kindle geschafft habe, weiß ich aber selbst nicht :D

    4. :D Na ein Glück, dass ich kein Kindle hab...

      Was hast du denn gewonnen? (Hab's auch grad gelesen)
      Freu mich für dich!!! :)

    5. Ich hab mir das Halloween-Überraschungspaket mit Schokolade und Stiften und so ausgesucht :) Ich freu mich so!

  2. Ich gucke schon jede Stunde mal rein und finde es total interessant, zu lesen, wie du so vorankommst. :)
    So ab 17 Uhr oder so, wenn ich nichts für meine Bachelorarbeit mehr machen muss, mache ich auch mal mit. Halt eher so "inoffiziell", da ich mich nicht offiziell angemeldet hab. ;)

    1. Awwww, ich freu mich! Ich bin den ganzen Tag bei Twitter, ich werd dich dann anfeuern ;)

    2. Ich mich auch! :) Bin schon voll gespannt. Und das motiviert mich auch dazu, jetzt noch mehr für meine BA zu tun. Dann gibt's als Belohnung ein bisschen readathon. XD

      Aww, das ist lieb von dir! :D

  3. I agree: book choice is everything...glad you've found another to pique your interest!

    "I am a very quick reader – I have as I’ve said, very large, squarish eyes that seem to be able to fit over a good patch of the page." Jane Gardam

    Here’s to large, squarish eyes, perfect for Read-a-Thon-ing! Keep it up! (Team Smarties)

  4. Nice to see another blogger who counts their cups of coffee. I haven't had as much as you, yet, but I'm sure I will. Good luck

  5. You were doing great! You can start again in the morning, right? :) Good job!

  6. Nächstes Mal möchte ich auch mitmachen du hast mich inspiriert :D Ist das Buch von JK wirklich so schlimm? Also so richtig absolut nicht zu empfehlen?

  7. Ich hab JK Rowling durchgezogen obwohl ich ja wirklich auch oft mal überlegt habe mit einem anderen Buch anzufangen. Nur lese ich ungern 2 Bücher zeitgleich, weil ich dann automatisch das "schlechtere" von beiden nie wieder anfasse. daher hab ich mich nun doch durchgerungen :,D

    1. ICH WILL NIIIICHT! xD Ich hab ja ein andere Buch dann weitergelesen und nun guckt mich Casual Vacancy so vorwurfsvoll an und ich fühl mich gezwungen weiter zu lesen, weil es eben JK Rowling ist... Und das ist auch noch so lang!
